Every person who is baptized and chrismated according to the rites of the Eastern Orthodox Church is a parishioner. The religious, moral and social duties of a parishioner at Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church are to apply the tenets of the Orthodox Faith to his/her life and to accomplish the following in faith:
- One must adhere to and live according to the tenets of the Orthodox Faith.
- Faithfully attend the Divine Liturgy and other worship services.
- Participate regularly in the Holy Sacraments (i.e. Holy Communion, Holy Unction and Holy Confession).
- Respect all ecclesiastical authority and all governing bodies of the Church and be obedient in matters of faith, practice and ecclesiastical order.
- Contribute towards the progress of the Church’s sacred mission.
- Be an effective witness and example of the Orthodox Faith and Traditions to all people.
In addition to the above, a parishioner must commit time, talent and treasure to Transfiguration. These three words represent one’s Stewardship to the Church. Each individual is called to be a Steward of God’s gifts which have been entrusted to him, for surely that which has been given to us shall be demanded in return by God (The Parable of the Talents).
From the Parable of the Talents found in the Gospel according to St. Matthew, you can understand that giving is a spiritual matter and a personal responsibility. Although giving is completely between the believer and the Lord, per principles in Holy Scripture and church tradition, it is suggested that parishioners give 10% of their annual net income. Obviously, charity is placed on a voluntary basis, but we know that God loves a cheerful giver.
If you are an Orthodox Christian and new to Transfiguration, you are encouraged to speak with the priest about becoming an active member of the parish. If you are not baptized or chrismated in the Eastern Orthodox Faith and would like to become a member at Transfiguration, a period of catechism in required before you become a member.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the church directly at (512) 329-6363.