Liturgical Service Ministries


Acolytes serve in the Holy Altar at all church services. Men and boys are welcome to serve as acolytes serve year-round as they are able. For more information or to register, please contact Jacob Angelo.



Transfiguration’s impressive group of singers chant for all of our church services, including Sunday liturgies and feast day services, Vespers, Paraklesis, baptisms and weddings, etc. To register, please contact Sue Holland.


Welcoming Committee (Ushers)

The welcoming committee offers various brochures and documents, as well as a digital guest book, in order to make our parish accessible and open to visitors and inquirers. In addition, committee members serve as ushers at Sunday liturgies and large festal events, to greet people as they arrive, to keep order and to assist anyone with concerns or difficulties during the service. If you would like to join the Welcoming Committee, please contact Allen Wynn and the Welcoming Committee.


Transfiguration’s Adult Choir

While our chanters sing most of our services, the adult choir sings during Holy Communion and sings full liturgies on certain Sunday mornings. Adults and children in middle school and older are welcome to participate in the adult choir.

Schedule: The choir practices in Mt. Tabor Hall from 9:00 am until 12:00 pm on the Saturday before they sing the Divine Liturgy.  Occasionally, a special rehearsal will be added to the calendar.

For more information contact Diana Angelo.


Youth Epistle Readers

Our young people, in middle school, high school and college, are invited to read the Epistle during Divine Liturgy, on Sundays and at special feast day liturgies. This offers our youth a tangible opportunity to serve and to feel a part of the services, and to practice their public presentation skills. To be added to the Epistle Reading Schedule, contact Jackey Randol.


Prosphora Ministry

Our team of prosphora bakers strives to provide fresh prosphora (the special loaf of bread baked for Holy Communion, stamped with a special seal and always containing just flour, salt, yeast and water) for every Divine Liturgy served at Transfiguration. Each month, a list of dates is emailed to the group, and bakers may choose one or more liturgies. The prosphora is baked at home, and delivered to the church in time for liturgy. Naturally, bakers need not bake every month, but may simply bake as they are able.

Classes in prosphora baking are offered occasionally, so if you are interested be sure to contact the Prosphora Ministry to see if one is scheduled.  There is also an instructional video on the Transfiguration website on how to make the Prosphora.

To be added to the list of prosphora bakers, please contact Diana Angelo.


Agape Choir

The Agape Choir is Transfiguration’s children’s choir, serving at two services during Holy Week,  They sing the full liturgy on Lazarus Saturday and Holy Saturday, the joyful Proto-Anastasi (First Resurrection) service. The Agape Choir is open to everyone under 18 years of age. There is no need to register.  Children should simply show up for rehearsals to join.

Children rehearsals time: The children practice during Orthros on 5 Sunday mornings from 8:30 am until 9:15 am during Great Lent.

Sunday’s that are designated for rehearsals:
Sunday of Orthodoxy
Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas
The Veneration of the Cross
Sunday of St. John Climacus
Sunday of St Mary of Egypt

Also, on the Sunday of Orthodoxy and the Sunday of the Exaltation of the Cross, the first and third Sundays of Lent, there will be no Sunday School and the children will rehearse the hymns for the processions with the Icons and the Cross after Holy Communion in Mt. Tabor Hall before returning to the church.

For more information and to be added to the list, please contact Diana Angelo.