Service of Paraklesis to the Theotokos Request Form

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The Paraklesis is a beautiful service that sings the praises of the Theotokos. Its composition is attributed to the monk Theophilos. In its essence, this service seeks the protection, guidance and comfort (Paraklesis) of the Mother of God. We call upon the Panagia for intercession because she is the greatest of all the Saints. Having dedicated her entire life to the pursuit of holiness and by being the Mother of Jesus Christ, she has acquired the favor of God. She now continually stands in vigilant prayer asking her son and our God to grant us Salvation.

Her constant prayer is quite effective for our  Salvation because Christ is quick to listen to His mother’s appeal (see the Wedding in Cana, John 2:1-12) The Panagia seeks to help those who have found misfortune by directing them towards Christ. “Do whatever He tells you,” she told the servants at the wedding. Having run out of wine, a symbol of joy, the Theotokos brought the servants to Christ – the One Who gives joy. The  Lord said to His mother, “my time has not yet come,” teaching us that the fullness of God’s revelation would not come until after His resurrection. The Theotokos, however, was eager for the attendants of this wedding banquet -who represent all people- to share in the joy that God had brought to her.

By interceding to her son, thirty stone jars of water were turned into wine. Her plea was the catalyst that set into motion Christ’s first miracle. Her supplication, thus, inaugurated all of Christ’s subsequent miracles, which He performed in order to bring us to Salvation. This scene from the life of the Theotokos as recorded in Holy Scripture teaches us to approach the Panagia as a great intercessor before our Lord. We thus abide by Holy Scripture when we approach the Theotokos seeking her favor. The Paraklesis Service as found in the Orthodox Church continues this profound and ancient tradition of asking the Theotokos for health, peace and salvation which is found in Jesus Christ.

Instructions:  Please list the names of the living Orthodox Christians for whom you wish the Panagia to intercede.